Saturday, April 5, 2008

PS: I Love You

Well, I just watched PS: I Love You starring Hillary Swank (Million Dollar Baby) and Gerard Butler (300). I don't want to spoil the movie for you guys so I wont talk about it, just that the best part is when they show the flashback of when they first met...First time a love story actually appealed to me and touched my heart. They did the book justice. Having said that, like most Book-turn-Movies; If you've read the book it wouldn't exactly be a tear-jerker cuz...You already know what's going to happen kot.


Alia'a said...

i dont want to watch it. i love the book.

Sand said...

I never forced you to watch it kan...

Until now...

You're watching it Nurul Alia'a,
but only with me!

Alia'a said...

what is i watch it with someone else??

Sand said...

You can go marry Ariff...

Alia'a said...

eew. i dont like you. you always have to bring HIM up or Mun Leon. i'd rather live alone with twenty cats, 10 rabbits and 5 roosters.